This was my last weekend in New York :(.
This trip :).
So Friday
arvo it was time to line up at the half price ticket booth one more time and I bagged us some tickets to see "A Little Night Music" which neither Jaime or I have seen before. Even though they were 40% off they were the dearest ones yet. The show had Angela
Lansbury (who was fantastic) and Katherine Zeta-Jones (who was great but not really a singer) and was so much funnier than I thought it was going to be.
Jaime only just made it in time (she literally walked into the foyer right at 8pm) and at interval ate the cold cheeseburger I had picked up for her a few hours earlier when we thought she would have time before the show to eat it.
I think it's put her off hamburgers for awhile.
After the show we headed off to
Slattery's pub and I met her Irish man Paul and some off his friends (see the photo to check him out).
Saturday morning I was helping
Lili out with more
de-cluttering and Jaime headed back to Rye for the day. I don't know if it was lack of sleep or what (getting to bed somewhere between 2am and 3am, the other girl in my apartment having a shower at about 3.30am - my bedhead and the shower share a wall - someone
texting Jaime at 5.45am from England plus a teeny bit of snoring from Jaime, I'm a light sleeper so you can imagine that all this drove me crazy) but Saturday morning was the start of a few weird days for me. Everything seemed to go wrong and I did stupid stuff I rarely do.
Firstly I left a little bit late (well alright that IS something I do do) but then I got off the bus one stop early which meant I had to walk a block which then meant I had to wait for the next train and consequently got to
Lili's 15 minutes late. The day before I had got there early enough that I had time to get a coffee beforehand.
Then my computer got a virus or
spyware or something. We had booked tickets to go to the movies Saturday night with Fiona to see "Alice In Wonderland" but there were storms here that day and a tree fell on Jaime's house and she was running late getting back to the city and I was worried about someone hacking into my computer and getting my passwords and taking my money or my identity......................
So I met Fiona at the cinema, we changed our tickets for a later show,
texted Jaime to meet at Fiona's and then I spent ages checking my accounts and changing all my passwords. Do you know what a pain that is? Firstly you have to remember everything you have a password for, then figure out how to change it and then come up with new passwords. Well it's not really that hard but it's a pain and then you have this change over period where
every time you log into
something you end up putting in the old password because you've used it for so long and it's like "Shit!!!!!!" Until you remember the new one. Which can be tricky because every bank or user group etc has different criteria for their passwords. Must have one capital, must have three digits, can only be six characters long, blah, blah, blah. Not to mention those websites that rate the strength of your password which for me usually starts off as weak so I keep adding letters and symbols and numbers until it gets to strong and then I have this impossibly complicated password to try and remember!
I am sure there were a few other things on Saturday (like being really clumsy) but they were the main ones.
So I figured that on Sunday I would wake up with a clean slate and be back to my normal organised,
unforgetful (generally) self.
Uh. No.
I had asked Jaime to text me if she wasn't coming back to my place so that I knew she was okay. About 6.30am she
texted to say she was fine but not coming back and to remind me to put my clock forward an hour for daylight savings time. Which I did straight away. I had my alarm set for 11am, got up and called Fiona to wake her up so she wouldn't miss yoga and she said "why are you calling so early it's only 9 o'clock."
I told her it was 11.......daylight savings and all that. l got ready, headed on out to yoga and it was only once I got out of the lift that I realised that I had gone to the wrong place. The one we use as a fallback position if the teacher we like at out favorite place isn't working. What an idiot.
So I walked down to the right one still with plenty of time for the 12.30 class and when I got there their clock said 11.20, it was kind of quiet and there was no sign of Fiona. Not that that means anything - 'on time' is definitely not her middle name. I felt like a bit of a fool but I asked the guy at the desk if the clock on the wall was right. He tells me yes. So I leave and call Fiona on both her phones but there was no answer. I went back in and asked the guy if he'd seen her. Nope. So I walked to her apartment and there she was sitting on the couch. I had completely stuffed up my time not to mention going to the wrong place. For the first time ever I think my phone changed to daylight savings itself and then I moved it forward another hour - it's the only explanation I can think of.
I have spent way too much time with Fiona - I'm turning into her.
She of course thinks it's hilarious.
She also thinks Mercury must be in retrograde. I have no idea what that is but when it happens lots of stuff can go wrong. She looked up a website called "Is Mercury in retrograde?"
In bold it says - NO.
There goes that theory down the toilet.
Fine, I thought. It's just a blip.
Or maybe I could blame it on hormones?
Monday is going to be perfect.
Monday. I tripped over my phone cord twice while it was charging and dropped it on the floor and some weird messages came up.
Turned it off. Turned it on. Looked fine. Phew.
Not a great start but the day was looking good until I was trying to get back from Brooklyn in time to babysit for Bob and Fiona that night. I jumped on the wrong train. Well it was actually the right train, it was just going in the wrong direction. I looked at my watch thinking I was never going to make it. Got off at the next stop, changed platforms, looked at my watch and the time was the same.
My watch had stopped.
Seriously this was the weirdest three days of being all over the place and all out of sorts that I can remember. I told Fiona that if this is what she feels like all the time then I would go crazy being her. She just shrugged her shoulders and said "Ah well," with a big grin on her face.
She embraces it. Which is probably the wisest thing to do.
I would tear my hair out.
But I am happy to report that by Tuesday I was back on track - thank goodness.
It wasn't Mercury and it could have been hormones.
Maybe it's just time for me to go home for awhile.