I realise I've been a bit quiet on the old blog for the last week or so, so here's an update. Mum and Mrs. Winrow left to fly off to Las Vegas and I am back in Greenwich Village with Fiona, Bob, Kiki and Coraline the kitten (Squeaky the cat having gone to a 'better place' while I have been off traipsing around the rest of the country).
Actually for four days it was just Coraline and I as the others went to Miami for a holiday (and to look at a boat that Bob has been doing the fit out for). So while I was here in the cold and snow (no complaints - I love it), they were hanging out at the pool in the Florida sunshine. Well Bob was working but the girls were relaxing.
Anyway Coraline and I hung out together and had a great time, sleeping in (her not so much - she would wake me up in the morning by sitting right up close to my face and putting her paw gently on my shoulder - awwwww) and watching the 200 or more channels on cable (some which seem to air complete crap).
After dropping off my suitcase I walked the two blocks to the grocery store and came back ready to make soup. I'd wanted to make pumpkin soup but you can't get pumpkins all year round here like you can at home (I think it's a weather issue) unless it's out of a can (whoever heard of canned pumpkin? Well somebody, I guess but certainly not me). So I settled for vegetable soup.
The next day I planned to go to K-Mart to buy some more knitting needles (have got right into knitting since visiting Karen and Trev) so I looked it up on the internet and set out. Not very cleverly, I had not bought my hat with me and it was cooooooold. And windy which made it feel even colder. I walked and walked but couldn't find K-Mart (Fiona later told me that the address they gave on the website was wrong) and at some point my ears got so cold that they went numb. It's the weirdest sensation to try and grab hold of your ears and not be able to feel them. Well my hands could feel them but my ears couldn't feel my hands if you know what I mean. Kind of like when you sleep on your arm and it goes numb and then you roll over and .................. well you know what I'm talking about.
So I made my way (as fast as possible) to Starbucks for a (you guessed it) caramel latte. A grande size this time. I managed to thaw out while standing in line.
The next two days after that I didn't leave the apartment (Fiona thought I wouldn't leave the whole time). Not because I didn't want to but because the carpenter came to do some work on the bathroom (long story about pipes leaking) and I felt a bit weird about going out and leaving him in the apartment. Actually I wasn't all that sure about letting him in in the first place. All I could think of was Fiona coming back and saying "You let a complete stranger into the apartment? What were you thinking?" I did try to call both her and Bob when he turned up but neither of them answered and I figured that the doorman had let him up in the first place so it must have been okay.
Luckily it was. But it put a halt to my going outside. Which was okay because Coraline and I got to watch a lot of episodes of 'Clean House". In fact on New Years Eve I think we started at about 5pm and were still watching it when Fiona, Bob and Kiki got back from Miami at nearly 11pm.
So what did I do for New Years Eve in New York City? Nothing much at all. I know that sounds really lame, here I am in one the busiest and most exciting places in the world and I do nothing! Well I could have gone to Times Square but I would have been on my own, it was freezing cold, people started getting there at about 3pm and there were no public toilets being set up. Which, if you can hold off going to the bathroom for nearly ten hours is fine.......................
So I did what I actually enjoy doing. Saw in the New Year in the comfort of home. Well their home, not mine. But a home nonetheless.