It's snowing here again. Yesterday I picked Kiki up from school and by the time we got home my jeans were drenched from the knees down. It was like someone had hosed me down - I could actually wring water out of them. The fact that she had fun kicking the snow every step she took, which then landed on me, may have had something to do with it.
Kiki hates walking everywhere and always wants to take a cab but mean old Aunty Tracey (actually I've managed to get her to call me Beautiful Gorgeous Aunty Tracey but like all my kids at home, she usually only says it when she wants something) makes her walk! But yesterday, one of the few days when she didn't ask, she should have. She told me it was because she thought I'd say no.
Generally yes. Yesterday, no.New rule - really crap weather, take a cab.
So today is a snow day - no school. And it's beautiful out side. Yesterday it was wet and sludgy snow and today it's soft and fluffy and the streets look so pretty.
Here's a few photos - one outside my bedroom window of the fire escape (attractive, I know) and the other from the living room window at the front.
The third is actually of a new kitchen scrubbing brush I bought. Completely unrelated to what I've just talked about. But hey, she's pretty cute huh?