I've just returned from a weekend visiting my friend Sybil (aka Ruthie) and her family in New Jersey. As always I was welcomed with open arms (you've gotta love that about Americans) and was just like one of the family.
We spent a lot of the weekend shopping (no sales tax on clothes in NJ) and even drove into Delaware (no sales tax on anything). I bought myself a new camera which at the start of my trip I had no intention of doing but I decided it would be good to have one that will fit in your pocket. I realise I have to get a plug adaptor but that's no big deal with the money I have saved buying it here.
I also got some new runners to replace the ones the rat ran over in New York - it was about time anyway as I've had the other ones for years. I got a great bargain on an Adidas pair and Sybil and Julia had hours of fun (alright, slight exaggeration) teasing me about the way we pronounce Adidas. They say A-dee-das whereas we say Add-e-das. Hope that makes sense. Obviously I was trying to do the whole phonetic thing.
Not sure I was that successful actually.
I also got a Levis backpack for $10 that in the Levis store was $80! So now I can give Fiona back her almost new one that I have been using for most of the year.
Apart from some food and a few other things most of the credit card bashing was done by Sybil. Although I have a sneaking suspicion that she blames me. We got a lot of great bedding, cushions and towels for her bedroom and ensuite renovation that is basically finished and looks great. I can't be blamed for all the clothes she bought the girls though.
Actually I shouldn't be blamed for any of it. I don't think Sybil needs that much encouragement to go shopping - but she is a woman after a bargain and she knows where to find them. You've got to love that!!!!!!
I also got my hair done again while I was there as you can see from the attractive photo of me that Sybil took on her phone (that's Julia getting hers cut in the background). I was slightly worried about how it would turn out when I saw the hairdresser's hair as I kind of think that their own hair is a reflection of how good they are. But it turned out okay. She did talk a lot and after almost every sentence said "You know what I mean?" I was constantly nodding yes because saying no could have brought on a whole avalanche of discussion that I wasn't really up for.
I thought that when I got back to New York Fiona would look at my hair, pull that face she does so well that is best described as incredulous horror and say "You did WHAT in New Jersey? You got a great cut here in Manhattan last time and now you go and get it done in New Jersey? What were you thinking?"
I hate it when she disappoints me.
But the weekend was over so fast and before I knew it I was racing to get to the bus.
We just made it which meant there was no time for long tearful farewells (I had told Julia I wanted to see copious amounts of tears from her). Maybe that's the best way. It feels strange to know that this was my last visit with them on this trip.
Yes you read that correctly.
On this trip.
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