Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I wanted to start a blog for all the typical reasons - to record my upcoming world travels & so family & friends could check in with what I am up to & where I am in the world. Basically isn't it so much easier for them to check in on a blog than me have to send out emails or write postcards??? Very lazy I know but I'm honest if nothing else!
The problem was coming up with a good blog name. Many suggestions were given from "Tracey's Travels" (a definite no but thank you anyway to my dear friend Karen) to "Where did all the money go?" (which I liked but wanted a more positive spin - thanks Sarah).
So I was stuck for awhile until I emailed my friend Rachel who solved the problem on her first try. She told me she once read a quote in a book about women who traveled the world alone in the 1700's & 1800's who were thought to be quite inappropriate. The quote is -
"One cannot divine nor forecast the conditions that will make happiness; one only stumbles upon them by chance, in a lucky hour, at the world's end somewhere, and holds fast to the days" - Willa Cather.
It was a winner - as Rach put it "Quirky & obscure, yet appropriate."
So here tis.
Read on.
And enjoy (hopefully).
Also, I should mention the amount of posts that actually happen will be greatly determined by my getting internet access while I am away.