Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Well it's taken me awhile to actually get around to writing it.
But here it is.
My 300th post. Which is nice because I love even numbers - I would have actually written an extra one just to get to 300 because 299 just doesn't sit right with me.
Also my last post for this blog.
Anyway I've been back just over two weeks (how the heck that happened, I have no idea) and so far my thought pattern goes something like this.
Alright that's probably a bit harsh, although at times fairly accurate. Sometimes the truth can be ugly. And yes, sometimes I feel it in capitals. It's like I'm living some weird ass double life. One here in suburbia with my family and friends, not to mention work (shitty but essential), driving a car and remnants of my past floating by me (much of which will be remedied by good old ebay or the trading post). And then my other life in Manhattan with new and old friends along with de-cluttering, the Y, the subway and current episodes of 'Bones'.
They're so completely removed from each other that I can't seem to find a way to connect them.
I realise that my year away had lots of different elements but as the last place I stayed (apart from a quick stop off in San Diego) was Manhattan and the fact that collectively I spent about four months there, it's the part that has had left the greatest impression on me. And the part that has ultimately given me some direction and changed my plans for the next year or so.
Alright it didn't really change them. Because I had no plan past the end of this trip. So it actually provided me with a plan (fingers crossed) that started from Fiona and Sybil both separately asking me "Do you wish you could stay here longer?"
Well Fiona actually asked "Don't you wish you could stay here longer?"
Tiny difference. Huge difference.
So I turned that around in my brain for awhile to see what it would feel like and they eventually dragged an answer out of me.
I'm sure I was a lot more vague about it than that. I know I was. But the long and the short of it is - it's true. Hence, future plans are evolving.
So here are some things I miss about the U.S.
1. Friends (have to put that at the top or I'd be in trouble).
2. Manhattan.
3. Starbucks on every corner.
4. French vanilla latte mix (I did bring three containers home but they won't last long as I'm already onto my second).
5. Being able to turn right on a red light.
Things that are great about being back home.
1. Family and friends.
2. The metric system.
3. The smallest coin being 5 cents.
4. Being able to buy fresh pumpkin (ie - not out of a tin - who even knew you could get it in a tin?) at any time of year.
5. Plain AND self-raising flour.
There's more for both list but this is just a little taste.
So, was there a lucky hour at the world's end?
Well of course there was.
I'm just not going to tell you what it was. But if you read my blog then you already know!