Thursday, February 11, 2010


A couple of days ago I moved four blocks down the street to the apartment of Fiona's friend (who is overseas at the moment) that I am sub-letting for the rest of my time here. It's only four blocks away but I am now in the East Village instead of Greenwich Village.
We (along with all my luggage) caught a cab to take us the four blocks. Seems odd doesn't it but it's a common way that people move in the city especially when they don't have that much stuff. Fiona once moved apartments by taking a cab five times. Much cheaper than paying for removalists and in a city where most people don't have cars, is the logical way to do it. Besides many apartments here are furnished so it's really just your personal things.
Did you know that in most cases in America, when you buy or sell a house the fridge, washing machine and dryer usually stay with the house? Bizzare, huh?
Could be kind of gross too.
So we get to the apartment and Mr. Yu (who, along with his daughter, lives there with Fiona's friend but is going to China for six weeks) met us at the door in his boxer shorts while cooking dumplings.
We dumped my stuff and went through a few things with him and then went off for the rest of the day. I went back later that night to a plate full of dumplings for dinner. I'm sure I ate way too many - they were really nice and I wasn't sure what was an appropriate number to eat. Too many and I look like a pig. Too few and he might think I didn't like them.
I decided that I may have eaten too many when later on some of his friends came over to eat also.
Since then we have had a blizzard, which resulted in a snow day and basically means the schools are closed. I trudged through the snow back to Fiona's to babysit Kiki while Bob and her went to see a play with Scarlett Johansson and Leiv Schreiber. One of their friends was the director and it must have been opening night or a preview as there were several celebs there. Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, Kathleen Turner....................
My exciting news?
Kiki and I made Honey Joys today!

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