The day after.
We were going to leave at 9m to go back to Ruthie's in Cherry Hill but Holly had a big night.
So we left a bit later.
Luckily we took a different road so the trip would be quicker.
Unluckily I missed our exit on the New Jersey turnpike which, by the time we turned around and got back to the right exit, added an hour to the trip.
Unluckily again we got lost actually getting to Ruthie's and had to call her twice which added even more time.
But with all that it was still a shorter trip than on the way there.
So in case anyone needs to drive from New Jersey to Vermont, here's a tip.
Don't take route 7.
As today was obviously non eventful (apart from all the wrong turns) there are no photos so here's a few more wedding ones.
Good to see I put one in of the actual wedding seeing as how the event was about them and not just all of us having a good ole time.
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